kf restage

Rebuild and redeploy an App without downtime.


kf restage - Rebuild and redeploy an App without downtime.


kf restage APP_NAME [flags]


Restaging an App will re-run the latest Build to produce a new container image, and if successful will replace each running instance with the new image.

Instances are replaced one at a time, always ensuring that the desired number of instances are healthy. This property is upheld by running one additional instance of the App and swapping it out for an old instance.

The operation completes once all instances have been replaced.


kf restage myapp



Do not wait for the action to complete on the server before returning.

-h, --help

help for restage

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.


Username to impersonate for the operation.


Group to impersonate for the operation. Include this flag multiple times to specify multiple groups.


Path to the Kf config file to use for CLI requests.


Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.


Log HTTP requests to standard error.


Space to run the command against. This flag overrides the currently targeted Space.