kf xargs-apps

Run a command for every App.


kf xargs-apps - Run a command for every App.


kf xargs-apps [flags]


Run a command for every App in targeted spaces.


# Example: restart all apps in all spaces
kf xargs-apps --all-namespaces -- kf restart {{.Name}} --space {{.Space}}

# Example: restage all apps in all spaces
kf xargs-apps --all-namespaces -- kf restage {{.Name}} --space {{.Space}}

# Example: stop all apps in spaces 'space1' and 'space2'
kf xargs-apps --space space1,space2 -- kf stop {{.Name}} --space {{.Space}}

# Example: use kubectl to label all apps in the default space
kf xargs-apps -- kubectl label apps -n {{.Space}} {{.Name}} environment=prod



Enables targeting all spaces in the cluster.


Enables dry-run mode, commands are printed but will not be executed. (default true)

-h, --help

help for xargs-apps


Number of apps within a space that may be operated on in parallel. Total concurrency will be upto space-concurrency * app-concurrency. -1 for no limit. (default 1)


Number of spaces that may be operated on in parallel. -1 for no limit. (default -1)

Inherited flags

These flags are inherited from parent commands.


Username to impersonate for the operation.


Group to impersonate for the operation. Include this flag multiple times to specify multiple groups.


Path to the Kf config file to use for CLI requests.


Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.


Log HTTP requests to standard error.


Space to run the command against. This flag overrides the currently targeted Space.