Compare Cloud Foundry and Kf services

This document provides a side-by-side comparison of the various services available on Cloud Foundry (CF) and those that Kf integrates with on Google Cloud.

Service categoryServiceCFKf
PlatformInfrastructure OrchestratorBOSHKubernetes
PaaSCF Application Runtime (CFAR)Kf
Data managementService BrokerService Broker TileKubernetes Deployed Service Brokers
MySQLMySQL TileKf Cloud Service Broker
MongoDBMongoDB TileKf Cloud Service Broker
RabbitMQRabbitMQ TileKf Cloud Service Broker
RedisRedis TileKf Cloud Service Broker
EurekaSpring Cloud Services TileService Discovery
Spring Cloud ConfigSpring Cloud Services TileSpring Cloud Config
Operations toolingContinuous Integration (CI)Concourse TileConcourse Helm Chart
LoggingGoogle CloudGoogle Cloud Firehose NozzleGoogle Cloud Logging Kubernetes Agent
ElasticElastic Firehose NozzleElastic Stack Agent
SplunkSplunk Firehose NozzleSplunk Connect
MetricsCF App MetricsGoogle Cloud Monitoring Kubernetes AGent