Role-based access control

Learn about how to share a Kf cluster using roles.

Kf provides a set of Kubernetes roles that allow multiple teams to share a Kf cluster. This page describes the roles and best practices to follow when using them.

When to use Kf roles

Kf roles allow multiple teams to share a Kubernetes cluster with Kf installed. The roles provide access to individual Kf Spaces.

Use Kf roles to share access to a cluster if the following are true:

  • The cluster is used by trusted teams.
  • Workloads on the cluster share the same assumptions about the level of security provided by the environment.
  • The cluster exists in a Google Cloud project that is tightly controlled.

Kf roles will not:

Kf roles

The following sections describe the Kubernetes RBAC Roles provided by Kf and how they interact with GKE IAM.

Predefined roles

Kf provides several predefined Kubernetes roles to help you provide access to different subjects that perform different roles. Each predefined role can be bound to a subject within a Kubernetes Namespace managed by a Kf Space.

When a subject is bound to a role within a Kubernetes Namespace, their access is limited to objects that exist in the Namespace that match the grants listed in the role. In Kf, some resources are defined at the cluster scope. Kf watches for changes to subjects in the Namespace and grants additional, limited, roles at the cluster scope.

space-auditorSpace AuditorAllows read-only access to a Space.Space
space-developerSpace DeveloperAllows application developers to deploy and manage applications within a Space.Space
space-managerSpace ManagerAllows administration and the ability to manage auditors, developers, and managers in a Space.Space
SPACE_NAME-managerDynamic Space ManagerProvides write access to a single Space object, automatically granted to all subjects with the space-manager role within the named Space.Cluster
kf-cluster-readerCluster ReaderAllows read-only access to cluster-scoped Kf objects, automatically granted to all space-auditor, space-developer, and space-manager.Cluster

Information about the policy rules that make up each predefined role can be found in the Kf roles reference documentation.

Google Cloud IAM roles

Kf roles provide access control for objects within a Kubernetes cluster. Subjects must also be granted an Cloud IAM role to authenticate to the cluster:

  • Platform administrators should be granted the roles/container.admin Cloud IAM role. This will allow them to install, upgrade, and delete Kf as well as create, and delete cluster scoped Kf objects like Spaces or ClusterServiceBrokers.

  • Kf end-users should be granted the roles/container.viewer Cloud IAM role. This role will allow them to authenticate to a cluster with limited permissions that can be expanded using Kf roles.

Google Cloud IAM offers additional predefined Roles for GKE to solve more advanced use cases.

Map Cloud Foundry roles to Kf

Cloud Foundry provides roles are similar to Kf’s predefined roles. Cloud Foundry has two major types of roles:

  • Roles assigned by the User Account and Authentication (UAA) subsystem that provide coarse-grained OAuth scopes applicable to all Cloud Foundry API endpoints.
  • Roles granted within the Cloud Controller API (CAPI) that provide fine-grained access to API resources.

UAA roles

Roles provided by UAA are most similar to project scoped Google Cloud IAM roles:

  • Admin users in Cloud Foundry can perform administrative activities for all Cloud Foundry organizations and spaces. The role is most similar to the roles/container.admin Google Cloud IAM role.
  • Admin read-only users in Cloud Foundry can access all Cloud Foundry API endpoints. The role is most similar to the roles/container.admin Google Cloud IAM role.
  • Global auditor users in Cloud Foundry have read access to all Cloud Foundry API endpoints except for secrets. There is no equivalent Google Cloud IAM role, but you can create a custom role with similar permissions.

Cloud Controller API roles

Roles provided by CAPI are most similar to Kf roles granted within a cluster to subjects that have the roles/container.viewer Google Cloud IAM role on the owning project:

  • Space auditors in Cloud Foundry have read-access to resources in a CF space. The role is most similar to the space-auditor Kf role.
  • Space developers in Cloud Foundry have the ability to deploy and manage applications in a CF space. The role is most similar to the space-developer Kf role.
  • Space managers in Cloud Foundry can modify settings for the CF space and assign users to roles. The role is most similar to the space-manager Kf role.

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